
Let op, voor je gaat schrijven:

1. Zet altijd een afzendadres op de envelop! De meeste gevangenissen laten post zonder afzendadres niet door. Zet eventueel ook een afzendadres op de brief; vele gevangenen ontvangen enkel de brieven en niet de envelop.
2. Denk ook aan de taal waarin je schrijft; niet alleen is het fijn voor de gevangene om je brief of kaart te begrijpen, maar veel gevangenissen laten ook enkel brieven in de voorgeschreven talen door.
3. Schrijf nooit over (details van) de veroordelingen van de gevangene: een heleboel van de hieronder genoemde gevangenen zijn in beroep tegen hun veroordelingen en elke informatie (ook uit ondersteuningsbrieven!) kan tegen hen gebruikt worden.
4. De autoriteiten lezen mee! Schrijf dus nooit over illegale dingen en gebruik desnoods een andere naam en een adres waar jezelf niet woont.

We zijn bezig met het vertalen van de lijst met gevangenen. Wil je ook meehelpen? Stuur ons een mailtje!


Thomas Meyer Falk
In 1996 werd Thomas veroordeeld tot 11,5 jaar voor een bankoverval. Omwille van zijn sterke overtuigingen is hij het slachtoffer geweest van enorm harde repressie.

Adres : Thomas Meyer Falk – c/o JVA (SV-Abtlg.) – Hermann-Herder-Str. 8 – D-79104 Freiburg – Germany
Meer info via mail : thomas_m_f AT so36.net

Meer info : Freedom for Thomas

[Last update : 13/02/2017]

Duitse antifascist die in juli 2015 gearresteerd werd op beschuldiging van het deelnemen aan gewelddadige confrontaties tussen nazi’s en antifascisten.De Duitse staat heeft duidelijk gemaakt dat Valentin als voorbeeld dient tegen politiek geweld.Valentin kan Engels en Duits lezen.

Adres : Infoladen Bremen, c/o Valentin, St-Pauli-Str. 10-12, 28203 Bremen, Germany.
Meer info : Freiheit Fur Valentin

[Last update: 13/02/2017]


Lukáš Borl

Anarchist en veganist, gearresteerd op 4 september 2016 na een jaar ondergedoken te hebben geleefd. Beschuldigd van het oprichten, steunen en promoten van een groepering gericht op “het onderdrukken van mensenrechten en vrijheden” (jaja… als ze er maar een afschrikkende naam op kunnen plakken). Volgens de staat oprichter van een “Netwerk van Revolutionaire Cellen” (SRB). Ook beschuldigd van vandalisme, het in brand steken van politiewagens, graffiti en chantage tegen de eigenaar van een steak-restaurant.

Adres : Lukàs Borl 1.3.1982 – Vazebni veznice Litomerice – Veitova 1 – 412 81 Litomerice – Czech Republic

[Last update : 13/02/2017]

Meer info : Anti-Fenix


Emma Sheppard, A7372DJ, HMP Send, Ripley Road, Woking, Surrey, GU23 7LJ. [Geüpdatet: 15/06/15] Op 24 februari 2015 werd de anarchistische gevangene Emma Sheppard veroordeeld tot 2 jaar cel in het Bristol Crown Court voor het “toebrengen van criminele schade waarbij ze roekeloos anderen in gevaar bracht”. De beschuldiging verwijst naar schade toegebracht aan politieauto’s in de omgeving van Bristol. Dit is de eerste veroordeling in het kader van Operation Rhone; een onderzoek, geleid door tien rechercheurs, naar meer dan 100 acties van anonieme aanvallen in de omgeving van Bristol van de voorbije vier jaar, om informatie te verzamelen over de gehele anarchistische beweging, en om te jagen op de voortvluchtige kameraad Badger, die in augustus 2011 gevlucht is. Dit gezegd zijnde lijkt Emma’s arrestatie en schuldig pleiten voor een sabotage uitgevoerd op oudejaarsavond een alleenstaande zaak te zijn, niet het resultaat van Operation Rhone onderzoek, hoewel ze achteraf wel betrokken raakten. Voor donaties, nieuws en eender welke solidariteitsefforts betreffende Emma, stuur een mailtje naar: bristol_abc[at]riseup.net

ABC Brighton heeft ook een pagina met gevangenisbrieven van Emma

John Bowden, 6729, HMP Barlinnie, 81 Lee Avenue, Riddrie, Glasgow, G33 2QX. [Geüpdatet: 02/10/15] John Bowden werd in 1982 veroordeeld voor een brutale moord en spendeerde zijn volledige volwassen leven in de gevangenis. Sinds hij gepolitiseerd raakte door zijn opsluiting, heeft hij al vaak voor zijn verzet moeten betalen met lange periodes van isolatie, slaag en behandelingen die naar foltering neigen. Hij is echter nooit gebroken en is één van de meest welbespraakte en luidruchtige gevangenisschrijvers en prominente verdediger van de rechten van gevangenen.

UPDATE: Er werd niks meer gehoord van John sinds zijn recente rechtszaak op 22 september, maar leden van Glasgow FRFI (Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!) stonden buiten het gerechtsgebouw met plakkaten om hem te ondersteunen. Zij zeiden dat de volgende keer dat hij moet voorkomen op 27 oktober plaatsvindt en dat de datum van zijn rechtszaak vastligt op 17 november [ondertussen verplaatst naar maart 2016]. Deze zaak komt voor omwille van een belachelijke beschuldiging van een “aanval” op een cipier in Greenock Jail, die duidelijk opgezet spel was om te voorkomen dat hij overgeplaatst zou worden naar het halfopen deel van de gevangenis.

John is terug over de Schotse grens overgeplaatst naar Engeland en is sindsdien regelmatig overgeplaatst in het gevangenissysteem –acht overplaatsingen in de voorbije twee maand. Hij ondergaat de psychologische terreur van een “hoge supervisie”-regime: hij wordt elk uur van de nacht gewekt, zogezegd om zeker te zijn dat hij niet uit zijn cel verdwenen is, en wordt gedwongen om een knalgeel plunje te dragen omdat hij heringedeeld werd als iemand met hoge kans op ontsnapping omdat hij in 1992 uit de gevangenis ontsnapte. Meer dan 20 jaar geleden!

De bedoeling is om hem tussen Engeland en Schotland te verplaatsen voor zijn volgende rechtszaak, wat hem zal verhinderen contact te hebben met zijn advocaat in Glasgow en zo zijn mogelijkheid om een degelijke verdediging op te bouwen te bemoeilijken.

Hij zou zeer dankbaar zijn als mensen informatie over zijn huidige situatie kunnen verspreiden en erover kunnen klagen tegen het hoofdkwartier van het gevangeniswezen in Londen:

HM Prison Service
Clive House
70 Petty France

Steunbrieven kunnen naar John gestuurd worden via het HMP Barlinnie adres [geüpdatet 02/10/2015].
Sommige van John’s schrijfsels uit de gevangenis kunnen gevonden worden op de website van ABC Brighton: Schrijfsels van John Bowden.

Je kan ze ook downloaden in gebundelde vorm (door ABC Hurricane) hier:
PDF: Online Versie
PDF: Print Versie A4

Kevan Thakrar, A4907AE, HMP Wakefield, 5 Love Lane, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, WF2 9AG, UK. [Geüpdatet: 27/03/15] Kevan Thakrar werd onterecht veroordeeld voor moord en poging tot moord in 2008 op basis van bewijs op basis van geruchten onder ‘joint enterprise’, de wet in het VK die zegt dat eender welk lid van een groep veroordeeld kan worden voor een misdaad, ongeacht of de persoon effectief een rol speelde bij de misdaad. Kevan was niet aanwezig toen de moord plaatsvond, maar hij werd veroordeeld tot levenslang met een minimum van 35 jaar in de gevangenis. Hij was pas 20.

Kevan is systematisch onderworpen geweest aan wraakzuchtig misbruik en geweld door cipiers omdat hij zijn stem verhief over de behandeling van hem en zijn medegevangenen. In maart 2010 werd Kevan beschuldigd met de aanval op drie cipiers in HMP Frankland, maar werd vervolgens onschuldig bevonden in een historische vrijspraak, waar de schuldige vinger al snel terug naar de Gevangenisdienst werd gewezen, wiens regime van racisme en geweld duidelijk blootgelegd werd gedurende het proces van 4 weken.

Ondanks zijn vrijspraak wordt Kevan sindsdien in een isolatieregime gehouden in de beruchte Close Supervision Centres, het Engelse equivalent van het F.I.E.S. regime in Spanje, en de Supermax in de VS. De ‘gevangenissen binnenin de gevangenissen’ bestaan om de onderdrukking, het mentale breken en de moord op zij die zich verzetten binnen het gevangenissysteem te vergemakkelijken; zij die teveel vragen stellen, te vaak klagen, boos worden door frustratie of ontembaar zijn. Ondanks dit alles blijft Kevan spreken over de onrechtvaardigheden die hem en andere gevangen rondom hem daar aangedaan worden.

Voor meer informatie over zijn zaak:

Of bezoek ABC Brighton’s pagina met schrijfels over en door Kevan.


Arrestatie van de antifascisten in Brest
Laat op de avond van de 8e mei 2014 brak er in Brest, Wit-Rusland, een gevecht uit tussen antifascisten en neonazi’s. De aanleiding van het gevecht was een provocatie van de nazi’s. Eén van de nazi’s begon zijn arm te streken in een Romeinse groet en riep “Sieg Heil” en “White power”. Ze hadden er niet op gerekend dat de antifascisten beter zouden kunnen vechten, dus één van de nazi’s belandde in het ziekenhuis. Aan het begin van de avond van de 9e mei begon de politie de antifascisten die ze kenden te arresteren. Eerst werden de appartementen van twee antifascisten doorzocht, hun computers en laptops in beslag genomen en zelf werden ze opgesloten voor 10 dagen. In de ochtend van de 10e mei werden de huiszoekingen voortgezet. Nog vier appartementen werden doorzocht en opnieuw werden computers en persoonlijke spullen meegenomen door de politie. Eén van de antifascisten was op dat moment niet thuis, dus bleef hij op vrije voeten waar de drie anderen aangehouden werden. Eén van de opgesloten antifascisten, Vladimir Dudorga, was voorheen al bedreigd geweest door KGB officieren omwille van zijn actieve antifascistische houding. Dudorga werd later op vrije voeten gesteld.

Dzmitry Zvan’ko, 225295 Brestskaya oblast, Ivatsevichi, p/b 20, IK-22, Volchi Nory, Belarus.
Dzmitry Stsyashenka, 225875, Brestskaya oblast, Kobrinski r-n, d. Luschiki IUOT № 6, Belarus.
Roman Bogdan, 224030 ul. K. Marksa, 86 Brest, SIZO-7, Belarus.
[adressen correct op 10/10/15]

Update: [08/10/15]: Er werd een verdict bereikt in de zaak van de Brest antifascisten beschuldigd van deelname aan een groepsgevecht met neonazi’s op 8 mei 2014. De antifascisten werden berecht onder art. 339.3 (kwaadwillig groepshooliganisme) en 147.2 (kwaadwillig toebrengen van letsel). De zaak werd als kwaadwillig gekwalificeerd omwille van het feit dat er pepperspray gebruikt werd tijdens het gevecht.

Dzmitry Stsyashenka kreeg 5 jaar strafkolonie met versterkt regime (339.3) en 500 euro schadevergoeding te betalen aan de gewonde nazi’s.

Roman Bogdan kreeg 8 jaar strafkolonie met versterkt regime (339.3, 147.2) en 3500 euro schadevergoeding aan de gewonde nazi’s.

Nog een antifascist (volledige naam niet vrijgegeven) kreeg 5 jaar strafkolonie met versterkt regime (339.3) en 500 euro schadevergoeding te betalen aan de gewonde nazi’s.

Het moet duidelijk gemaakt worden dat in 2014 Dzmitry Zvan’ko veroordeeld werd tot 5 jaar gevangenis voor hetzelfde voorval. Dzmitry Stsyashenka zit momenteel ook een andere straf van 4 jaar uit op dit moment.

NB: De namen worden zowel in het Russisch als het Wit-Russisch gegeven, aangezien het gevangenisregister in het Russisch is, maar we raden je aan om post te richten aan de Russische namen. Alsook: tijdens de eerste weken (of maanden) van gevangenschap worden gevangenen in quarantaine eenheid geplaatst (nog niet geregistreerd binnen een gevangeniseenheid terwijl ze onderzocht worden door dokters en door de registratie gaan – kan enkele weken of maanden duren), dus zet KARANTIN op de enveloppe waar het nodig is. Het is ook mogelijk om online brieven naar Wit-Russische gevangenen te sturen via de ABC Belarus website.

Vlad Lenko Igorevich, 224030 ul. K. Marksa, 86 Brest, SIZO-7, k.39 Belarus.

Arrested for a fight with neo nazis in December 2014. Vlad, an Anti-fascist from Ivatsevichy, is charged under Art 339.2 (Hooliganism in a group of people.) and 147.2 (Causing grievous bodily harm.) The court sentenced Vlad to a six year period of imprisonment in a maximum security colony. a large amount of money is needed to appeal the verdict, as it stays hopeful that the sentence can be reduced by half. Money is also needed to aid him in paying off the ordered compensation of €1000 to the victim.

Gearresteerd voor een gevecht met neonazi’s in december 2014. Vlad, een antifascist uit Ivatsevichy, werd berecht onder artikel 339.2 (Hooliganisme in groep) en 147.2 (Ernstig lichamelijk letsel toebrengen). Het gerecht veroordeelde Vlad tot 6 jaar gevangenis in een maximale-veiligheidskolonie. Er is een enorme som geld nodig om het verdict aan te vechten, aangezien de hoop blijft dat de uitspraak gehalveerd kan worden. Er is ook geld nodig om hem te helpen de opgelegde schadevergoeding van €1000 te betalen aan het slachtoffer.

Fundraising WebMoney: $ Z418615316084 / €
Paypal: belarus_abc[at]riseup[dot]net
European bank account: vraag ABC Belarus.

NB: Het is mogelijk om online brieven naar gevangenen te schrijven via de ABC Belarus website.

Zie ook: wiki.avtonom.org voor up-to-date lijsten van gevangenen in de ex-Sovjet-Unie.


Jock Palfreeman

Jock Palfreeman is een Australiër, die in 2009 twee Romajongens verdedigde tegenover zestien neonazi’s.In de schermutselingen werden twee neonazi’s neergestoken, waarvan er één is overleden. Veroordeeld tot20 jaar cel voor moord op een neonazi en mishandeling van een neonazi. Tevens is elke vorm van hulp aanRoma, gelijk aan hulp aan illegalen. Hij kreeg ook nog een boete van 375000 Australische dollars.

Adres : Jock Palfreeman –Sofia Central Prison –21 General Stoletov Boulevard –Sofia 1309 -Bulgaria

Bulgarian Prisoners Association


Operation Fenix
At the end of April 2015, ‘anti-extremism’ police in the Czech Republic carried out a series of raids on members of the anarchist and anti-authoritarian left scene, under the ostentatious title of Operation Fenix. Over 30 people have beene arrested and some remain in custody, accused of being ‘terrorists’. When more information emerges about any charges or remands to prison, we will carry updates on the situation. In the meantime, you can checkout the support blog for those arrested: http://antifenix.noblogs.org/

Lukáš Borl 1.3.1982, V.V. Litoměřice, Veitova 1, 412 81 Litoměřice, Czech Republic. [correct as of: 27/11/16]
On Sunday, September 4, police captured our comrade Lukáš Borl. Lukáš is an anarchist who has lived in underground for about a year, due to previous intense surveillance. On Monday September 5th the court sent him to custody jail. State attorney, Naďa Voláková, commented on the case for the Czech News Agency: “I confirm the capture of a man who is accused of foundation, supporting and promoting a movement aimed at suppressing human rights and freedoms, black mail and misdemeanor of criminal damage…”
We do not yet know what exactly Lukáš is accused of. We will continue to provide updates. So far you can support him by sending a letter or by a spontaneous noise demonstration. Lukáš is held in a custody jail in the city of Litoměřice.

Martin Ignačák has since been released. [Belatedly updated: 06/11/16]


Thomas Meyer Falk, c/o JVA (SV-Abtlg.), Hermann-Herder-Str. 8, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany. [Updated: 20/11/16]
In 1996, Thomas was sent down for eleven and a half years for bank robbery. Because of his strong beliefs, he’s been subject to very harsh repression – kept in solitary, daily cell raids, suppression and censorship of mail, no access to education. In 2007, he was finally been moved out of solitary and was able to participate in education and other activities. He has applied for parole on a number of occasions since then but has always been turned down. At the end of June 2013, the District Court of Karlsruhe decided that Thomas was still a “danger” to the community and he is now being held in preventive detention.

For more info email: thomas_m_f@so36.net
or see http://www.freedom-for-thomas.de


Of the two most useful Greek sites for the latest news on Greek prisoners, Interarma and Tameio, both have a limited number of articles and not very up-to-date listings of current prisoners’ addresses in English – though both are currently updating the availablity of their texts in English. Our current addresses are based on the current list (in Greek) Tameio and the accompanying texts are currently being updated and corrected.

Conspiracy of the Cells of Fire Prisoners

Most of the CCF prisoners are currently involved in a series of new trials dealing with the 250 bombings and arsons between 2008 and 2011 alleged against the organisation (including attacks on the Golden Dawn’s offices, the Athens Administrative Court, and Koridallos prisons), as well as the sending of a series of 14 parcel bombs. All are also under investigation concerning the ‘Phoenix’ project and the ‘Operation Ardire’ case.

UPDATE: On July 8, 2016, the Koridallos prison court – presided over by special judge Asimina Yfanti – convicted all members of the anarchist revolutionary organisation Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) – Gerasimos Tsakalos, Christos Tsakalos, Giorgos Polydoros, Olga Ekonomidou, Theofilos Mavropoulos, Panayiotis Argyrou, Giorgos Nikolopoulos, Michalis Nikolopoulos, Damiano Bolano, and Haris Hatzimihelakis – to 115 years in prison each.
Angeliki Spyropoulou sentenced to 28 years in prison. Athena Tsakalou and Evi Statiri found not guilty. Christos Polydoros given 6 year suspended sentence. Christos Rodopoulos sentenced to 75 years in prison. Christodoulos Xiros sentenced to 65 years in prison. Fabio Dusko sentenced to 8 years in prison. Four other defendants sentenced to 27-28 years in prison each. Four other defendants were acquitted of membership in the organisation but received a 6-year suspended sentence. Two other defendants were found guilty of misdemeanor offences and another two were found not guilty.

Haris Hatzimihelakis [Χάρης Χατζημιχελάκης]
Panayiotis Argyrou [Παναγιώτης Αργυρού]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – A’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]
Both are serving 25 years in prison out of a total sentence of 37 years for their part in the so-called “Halandri Case”. They are currently awaiting future Cells of Fire trials. [for more information, see Inter Arma]

Damiano Bolano [Δαμιανός Μπολάνο]
Giorgos Nikolopoulos [Γιώργος Νικολόπουλος]
Michalis Nikolopoulos [Μιχάλης Νικολόπουλος]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – A’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece.
Damiano Bolano is also serving a 68 years sentence for being member of CCF and charges stemming from the ‘Halandri case’ trial and will be deported after serving the maximum 25 years.
Giorgos and Michaelis Nikolopoulos are also serving 68 years sentences for being member of CCF and charges stemming from the ‘Halandri case’ trial & 16 months for illegal possession of arms.
[Updated: 01/12/16]

Christos Tsakalos [Χρήστος Τσάκαλος]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallos, Special wing [Eidikí Pteriga], TK 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece.
[Updated: 01/12/16]
Christos Tsakalos is serving 7 years for being member of CCF and charges stemming from the ‘Halandri case’ trial.

Olga Ekonomidou [Όλγα Οικονομίδου]
Central Women’s Prison [Kleisti Kentriki Filaki Ginaikon], TK 18110 Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]
Giorgos Polydoros [Χρήστος Τσάκαλος]
Gerasimos Tsakalos [Γεράσιμος Τσάκαλος]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallos, Special wing [Eidikí Pteriga], TK 18110, Korydallos, Athens. [Updated: 01/12/16]
Olga, Giorgos and Christos were arrested on March 14, 2011 and are currently awaiting trial in the ‘Volos case’ and for other Cells of Fire-related charges.
All currently awaiting trial on Cells of Fire-related charges, having been held in pre-trial detention for more than 3 years.

Theofilos Mavropoulos [Θεόφιλος Μαυρόπουλος]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallos – A’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]
On May 18, 2011, Mavropoulos was arrested in the Athens neighbourhood of Pefki after being seriously wounded during a shoot-out with two patrol officers. Giannis Michailidis, the comrade who was with him, managed to escape and has taken full responsibility for his role in that incident already. Mavropoulos is being charged with two counts of attempted homicide, among other charges. After spending a month in the hospital, he was transferred to the “general population” wing at Koridallos. At the end of December 2011 he was moved to Malandrino as preliminary punishment for the escape he attempted alongside several Fire Cells Conspiracy members. He has since joined the CCF.

To keep up to date on the various CCF cases [in English], see:

# NB: Prisoners held in the new ‘special wings’ and C Type prisons in Greece have severe restrictions place upon their communications. Phone calls are all monitored and mail is subjected to censorship and your letters may not reach the intended recipient.

Cells of Fire-related cases

In the latest trial, Giannis Naxakis, Nikos Romanos, Giannis Michailidis, Dimitris Politis, Argiris Dalios, Fivos Harisis and Grigoris Sarafoudis have gone on trial on February 3, 2014 in the special court in Koridallos’ women’s prison for a series of bank robberies, clashes with the cops, etc.

“Halandri” & “Nea Smyrni Case” related prisoners:
Giorgos Karagiannidis [Γιώργος Καραγιαννίδης]
Alexandros Mitrousias [Αλέξανδρος Μητρούσιας]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – D ’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 05/04/16]
They deny being members of the Cells of Fire. Giorgos and Alexandros were both tried in the so-called “Halandri case” and sentenced to 20 years and 11 years in prison respectively. All 3 are currently on trial for the “Nea Smyrni case” (on charges of forming an “unnamed terrorist organisation”) and are facing further Cells of Fire-related charges. Here is a link to a recent statement.

Anastasios (Tasos) Theofilou [Αναστάσιος Θεοφίλου]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – D ’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]
Anarchist communist Tasos Theofilou has been sentenced to 25 years in prison in connection with an armed robbery in Paros on 10/8/2012 during which a taxi driver, Dimitri Micha, was killed. He was found guilty of two felony charges: participating in a robbery with his physical characteristics covered, and being an abettor in manslaughter committed in a calm mental state. He was also convicted of three misdemeanors: carrying a firearm, forgery (accusation relating to vehicles of the robbers), and accepting the proceeds of crime (the getaway car of the robbers). However, he was found not guilty of membership of a terrorist organisation (namemly C.C.F.), possession of explosives and ordnance, forgery of five identification cards, use of a firearm, and two attempted homicides.
The verdicts were based solely on a single piece of ‘evidence’, DNA from a hair allegedly found on a hat that had supposedly been dropped by the fleeing robbers. None of the eye witnesses recognised Theofilou and the court itself found that he was not a member of the organisation that prosecutors accused of having been involved in the robbery i.e. C.C.F.. [Updated: 11/02/14]

Revolutionary Struggle Prisoners & Others

On April 10, 2010, the Anti-terrorist Department of the Greek Police arrested six people in Athens :
Nikos Maziotis, Panagiota ‘Pola’ Roupa, Kostas Gournas, Vaggelis Stathopoulos, Sarandos Nikitopoulos, and Christoforos Kortesis. All were known for their long presence in the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement. Two weeks later, Nikos Maziotis, Pola Roupa, and Kostas Gournas admitted to participating in the organiSation known as Revolutionary Struggle (Epanastatikos Agonas). Stathopoulos, Nikitopoulos, and Kortesis denied the charges and stated that they were being persecuted for their years of anarchist activity and their comradely political relationships with the others. Two others, Marie Beraha and Kostas Katsenos, were also charged and included in the trial.

Kostas Gournas [Κώστας Γουρνάς]
Nikos Maziotis
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallos, Special wing [Eidikí Pteriga], TK 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece . [Updated: 01/12/16]

Giorgos Petrakakos
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallos, Special wing [Eidikí Pteriga], TK 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]

On April 3, 2013 the judgment on the Revolutionary Struggle case was handed down:
Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to 86 years’ imprisonment in absentia; his sentence was merged into 50 years. Pola Roupa and Kostas Gournas were both sentenced to 87 years (Pola sentenced in absentia); each sentence was merged into 50 years and 6 months.
For all three of them, the maximum prison term is 25 years (which are typically served either as a full sentence or by day wages in prisons, or after the completion of 3/5 of the prison term, when a prisoner can be granted conditional release under specific conditions).

Following a second trial with regard to the attack with a car bomb containing 75kg of explosives against the Bank of Greece’s Supervision Directorate in central Athens on April 10th 2014; the shootout in Monastiraki on July 16, 2014 (when comrade Nikos Maziotis was injured and recaptured by police); and expropriations of bank branches, on March 3, 2016, Nikos Maziotis was sentenced to life in prison plus 129 years and a fine of €20,000; Pola Roupa, who is still at liberty, was again sentenced in absentia, this time to 11 years in prison on misdemeanor charges (but she will also stand trial on felony charges if she is arrested); Antonis Stamboulos was sentenced to 13 years in prison and Giorgos Petrakakos was sentenced to 36 years in prison plus a fine of 9,000 euros. [Updated: 06/04/16]

Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos [Δημήτρης-Ανδρέας Μπουρζούκος]
Argyris Ntalios (Dalios) [Αργύρης Ντάλιος]
Fivos Harisis (Charisis) [Φοίβος Χαρίσης]
Giannis Michailidis [Γιάννης Μιχαηλίδης]
Dimitris Politis [Δημήτρης Πολίτης]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – D ’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]

Nikos Romanos [Νίκος Ρωμανός]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – A’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [Updated: 01/12/16]

Nikos Romanos, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Giannis Mihailidis and Dimitris Politis were arrested after a car chase on 01/02/2013 following the double robbery of a branch of the National Post office and a branch of the Agriculture Bank in Venvento, Kozani. In addition, Nikos Romanos and Giannis Mihailidis were accused in the case of the two Volos and Kalithea houses; Giannis Mihailidis and Dimitris Politis for the robbery at a branch of Agriculture Bank in Filotas; Florina and Giannis Mihailidis were accused of taking part in a gunfight with cops in Pefki. Fivos Harisis and Argyris Dalios were arrested on 20/04/2013 in Nea Filadelphia, Athens and were also accused of robbery. Argyris and Fivos denied the accusations and their prosecution was based solely on DNA samples collected from the area where the robbery took place. Argyris Dalios was also accused in the case of the two houses in Volos and Kalithea and, along with Foivos Harisis, of the robbery at a branch of Agriculture Bank in Filotas, Florina.
All six were also accused of being members of CCF, something that both they and CCF deny.

On Wednesday, October 1, 2014, the Koridallos prison court in Athens found anarchist prisoners Yannis Michailidis, Nikos Romanos, Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos and Dimitris Politis (who have claimed political responsibility for the double armed robbery in Velventos, Kozani) as well as Fivos Harisis and Argyris Ntalios (who have denied all charges) guilty of:
– committing robbery while masked or disguised (except Dimitris Politis, who was convicted as an accessory),
– aggravated possession of firearms (for the guns used in the double expropriation),
– aggravated vehicle theft (for the car of the dentist-hostage used as getaway vehicle).

The final prison sentences against the six comrades were:
Giannis (Yannis) Michailidis: 16 years, 4 months and 10 days.
Nikos Romanos: 15 years and 10 months.
Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos, Fivos Harisis, Argyris Ntalios: 15 years and 11 months.
Dimitris Politis: 11 years and 5 months.

Finally, as proposed earlier by the prosecutor, the court acquitted all of the accused of alleged involvement in the CCF urban guerrilla group. However, there are other trial court cases underway that include the exact same accusation against the anarchist comrades.

An appeal by the prosecution in the Velvedo case has been set for April 20, 2016 in the women’s wing of Koriddalos prisons. The court case is likely to last at least 2 years and take it well beyond the date that the six would normally be released under license. Therefore the six argue that the trial is merely an attempt to keep them in prison without filing any new charges. [source]
[Updated: 06/04/16]
See also: Interarma

Giannis Naxakis [Γιάννης Ναξάκης]
Grigoris Sarafoudis [Γρηγόρης Σαραφούδης]
Dikastiki Filaki Korydallou – D ’ Pteriga, T.K. 18110, Korydallos, Athens, Greece. [correct as of: 01/12/16]

On Friday October 9, 2015, the second degree trial (appeal) of Grigoris Sarafoudis and Giannis Naxakis for the 2011 ATE Bank robbery in Purgetos, Larisa began in the appellate court of Loukareos. It is unclear whether Giannis has carried out his promise not appear at the appeal trial nor request a lawyer.
In the first trial they both had been convicted with the same sentence of 16 years for robbery, upgraded for both however in the context of terrorism with DNA found on two movable objects as evidence.
Update: Following an adjournment, their appeal will continue on November 10, 2015. [source]

For more recent information about the many Greek prisoners, see: https://interarma.info/en/

# NB: Prisoners held in the new ‘special wings’ and C Type prisons in Greece have severe restrictions place upon their communications. Phone calls are all monitored and mail is subjected to censorship and your letters may not reach the intended recipient.


There’s a steady stream of reports of extensive repression from Italy. Ecological anarchists, squatters and ALF activists are more and more active, but are also facing more arrests, raids and random fit-ups. http://en.contrainfo.espiv.net/ is a good source for the latest news from Italy in English.

Operation Scripta Manent
On September 6, 2016, Torino’s section of the DIGOS antiterrorist unit unleashed an anti-anarchist operation under the name ‘Scripta Manent’. House searches were conducted in various regions of Italy. Anarchists Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai, incarcerated since September 2012 for kneecapping Adinolfi (Olga Cell FAI/FRI), received a new arrest notification whilst in prison. Additionally, six arrests were made on the outside (five in the context of this operation; one as outcome of a house search).

Operation Scripta Manent seeks to attribute to the accused a series of actions claimed by FAI (Informal Anarchist Federation) in Italy. Therefore, the comrades Marco, Sandrone, Anna, Danilo and Valentina, alongside Nicola and Alfredo [see separate entry below], are likely to face charges of “subversive association with terrorist intent”.

Anna Beniamino
Valentina Speziale
C.C. Latina, Via Aspromonte, 100 – 04100 – Latina LT, Italy. [Correct as of: 05/12/16]

Marco Bisesti
C.C. San Michele – Strada Casale, 50/A – 15121 Alessandria (AL), Italy. [Correct as of: 05/12/16]

Alessandro Mercogliano
Emiliano Danilo Cremonese
C.C. Ferrara, Via dell’Arginone 327, ΙΤ-44122 Ferrara, Italy. [Correct as of: 05/12/16]

Daniele Cortelli
C.C. Terni, Str. delle Campore, 32 – 05100 Terni TR, Italy. [Correct as of: 05/12/16]
Daniele, an editor of Croce Nera Anarchica, was captured that same day in the context of another arrest proceeding, after police found some batteries and an electrician’s manual in his apartment. He is likely to face charges of “possession of materials for the manufacture of explosive devices”.

Milan May Day Actions

Police in Italy and Greece launched a repressive operation against activists who participated in the #NoExpo May Day 2015 mobilisations in Milan. Ten people were detained – 5 in Italy (all in Milan) and 5 in Greece, on charges of ‘destruction and looting’, aggravated resisting of the police and misrepresentation. Five others are under investigation for the same charges – three in Milan, one in Como and one in Greece.

Those arrested in Greece were released but they have to report to the police station three times per week. Those arrested in Italy were all taken to the San Vittore prison. To write to them:

Alessio Dell’Acqua
Niccolò Ripani
Edoardo Algardi
Andrea Casieri
C.C. San Vittore – Piazza Filangieri 2 – 20123 Milan, Italy. [Correct as of: 09/06/16]

Davide Rosci, Casa Circondariale di Teramo, Rot. Castrogno, 64100 Teramo (TE), Italy. [Correct as of: 07/06/16]
The Supreme Court has upheld the conviction for the riots in Rome on October 15, 2011 when an armoured vehicle of the police officers was attacked and set on fire. A sentence of six years for destruction and looting (under an old-fascist law) was confirmed for David Rosci and other defendants, Cristian Quatraccioni and Mauro Gentile, from the city of Teramo. Appeals postponed the judgment on Marco Moscardelli. All have already served half of the sentence and, with Cristian Quatraccioni and Marco Moscardelli having their sentences reduced to 4 years and 8 months and 5 years respectively due to extenuating circumstances, they have been released. However, no extenuating circumstances were recognised in Rosci’s case and he remains in prison. [Updated: 07/06/16]

Nicola Gai
Alfredo Cospito
C.C. Ferrara, Via dell’Arginone 327, ΙΤ-44122 Ferrara, Italy.
[Correct as of: 05/12/16]

Nicola Gai and Alfredo Cospito were arrested on 14th September 2012 and accused of shooting of Roberto Adinolfi, CEO of the nuclear energy company Ansaldo Nucleare, in the knees – an action carried out by Olga/FAI/FRI nucleus on 7th May 2012. During their first trial on October 30, 2013, they admitted their part in the shooting but were prevented from reading out their statements on their behalf. [see Alfredo’s here] At their sentencing hearing on November 12 2013, Alfredo was given ten years and 8 months in prison and Nicola 9 years and 4 months for attack with the purpose of terrorism (under article 280 of the Italian penal code), in addition to reato ostativo (impediment of access to prison benefits, house arrest, semi-custodial regime, etc. given that terrorist purposes were recognised by the court).

In early May 2015, the Supreme Court decided to reduce the sentences of comrades Alfredo Cospito and Nicola Gai.The final sentences were:
Alfredo Cospito: 9 years, 5 months and 10 days (from 10 years and 8 months)
Nicola Gai: 8 years, 8 months, 20 days (from 9 years and 4 months). [Updated: 13/11/15]

NB: Both Alfredo and Nicola are also caught up in the so-called Operation Scripta Manent and are likely to face further charges in the future.

Genoa 10
The Italian High Court confirmed on Friday 13th July 2012 the sentences for the 10 activists were guilty of devastation and looting crimes against private property and sentenced for crimes of “devastation and looting” during the G8 summit in Genoa in 2001. Five of the defendants have been granted right to appeal against other related charges, and their cases will be re-examined by the judges. The other five had their appeals rejected and were imprisoned. In 2014, two of the sentenced were released on probation and under house arrest.

Marina Cugnaschi, C.C. Bollate, Via Cristina Belgioioso 120, ΙΤ-20021 Milano, Italy. [Correct as of: 07/06/16]
Serving 12 years and 3 months. Added to Marina’s sentence, after time already spent in prison, was “psychic shared-participation” in the riots – if you don’t stop someone braking a bank, you are a partner in the crime.

Francesco Puglisi,
Casa Circondariale di Roma Rebibbia, Via Raffaele Majetti, 70, IT-00156 Roma. [Correct as of: 07/06/16]
Serving 14 years.

Francesco Puglisi, who likes to be called by his nickname “Gimmy”, went on the run after being sentenced to 14 years in prison following a trial for “devastation and looting” during the 2001 Genoa revolt, was arrested in Barcelona on June 5, 2013. He was then extradited to Italy and has been in the transit section of Rebibbia prison in Rome since July 5, in Jimmy’s words, “waiting until the dogs of the administration or the Department of Penitentiary Administration decide in which section to put me,” and was later moved on to a wing in the same prison.

Carmelo Musumeci, C.C. Padova, Via Due Palazzi 25/A, 35136 ΙΤ-Padova, Italy. [Correct as of: 07/06/16]
[Non english speaker]
Imprisoned for mafia related crimes, Carmelo is a turned anarchist lifer who has already spent more than 20 years in jail. Sentenced under the article 41-bis, which is used against people imprisoned for particular crimes such as mafia involvement, aggravated robbery and crimes committed for subversion of the constitutional system, means it can only be suspended when a prisoner co-operates with the authorities, when a court annuls it, or when a prisoner dies. Carmelo has done numerous hunger strikes, is a prolific writer and an active campaigner for the abolishment of life detention.
More information about him can be found on: www.carmelomusumeci.com/


E from Cistem Failure
On Saturday, June 25, E from [the band] Cistem Failure was arrested at the Pride Parade in Oslo, for allegedly throwing a pie in the face of Solveig Horne, the Norwegian Minister for Equality, who was marching at the front of the parade. Solveig Horne is a homophobic, transphobic, sexist and racist politician from the right-wing Norwegian Progress Party. On Thursday, July 7, E had their hearing. They were convicted of attacking the highest state bodies’ activities, under Straffelovens §115. The next day, they were sentenced to 45 days in prison (more than the precedent of 30 days) and immediate deportation upon release. They have now been in prison for 15 days and we expect them to be released (well, deported…) around August 7.

Send letters to:
Oslo ABC, E
Postboks 6689 St.Olavs plass
0129 Oslo


NB: Moscow ABC advise that letters in English are seldom accepted in Russian prisons, so if you do not have a chance to write in Russian (i.e. by using simply phrases and translating them by a translation program), just send photos and postcards.

Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kolchenko, 1989 g.r., 456612, Chelyabinskaya obl, Kopeisk, ul.Kemerovskaya, 20, IK-6, otryad 4, Russia. [NB: only letters in Russian are accepted, so you can send postcards or use google translate in case you do not speak Russian][correct as of: 28/10/16]
Aleksandr Kolchenko was detained in Crimea on May 17, 2014, on suspicion of participation in a “terrorist group,” which planned explosions near the eternal fire memorial and the Lenin monument in Simferopol on May 8th and 9th, and of having sabotaged railway tracks and electricity lines. Kolchenko is also suspected of having carried out two arson attacks: against the headquarters of the Russian Unity-party and Russian Community of Crimea on April 14th, and the office of the United Russia party in Simferopol on April 18th. He has since been transferred to Moscow and is being kept in the Lefortovo remand prison. The case is run by the FSB, the former KGB.

Aleksandr is an anarchist and antifascist who has participated in student and environmental actions. He has been part of campaigns against tuition fees and supported workers’ rights protests. He was under constant Nazi attack for his antifascist ideas. One incident took place after a film screening about murdered anti-fascist journalist Anastasiya Baburova, where he was attacked by thirty Nazis using knives. In this context, claims by the Russian authorities that Aleksandr is part of the nationalist “Right Sector” are ridiculous, and he is denying these claims.
As lawyers of the accused are subject to a gag order, we have limited information on the charges and the level of cooperation from the suspect. We know that Aleksandr has admitted to being present at the location of the arsons, but he denies terrorist charges, which carry a 20-year maximum prison sentence. There is no reason to believe that he has implicated anyone else.

Aleksandr Kolchenko is claimed to be part of a bigger group protesting against the Russian invasion of Crimea by organising direct actions. A famous film director, Oleg Sentsov, as well as two Maydan activists, Gennadiy Afanasyev and Alexei Chirniy, have also been detained under the same suspicion. All of them are claimed to be part of the Right Sector (a Ukrainian ultra-right organisation). This is a lie as apart from Chirniy none of the accused have any connection to the Right sector, and Aleksandr Kolchenko has never shared nationalist ideas. The whole case is considered to be part of the Russian campaign to take over Crimea, which includes repressions against anyone who doesn’t comply with the new authority.

Oleg Sentsov’s arrest has gained worldwide attention, as recently, a number of known directors, including Pedro Almodovar, Mike Leigh, Agnieszka Holland, Stephen Daldry, Bela Tarr and Wim Wenders signed a petition demanding his release. Since this case is highly political, Aleksandr’s legal costs are high, around 850 euro per month. We expect the investigation to last long enough as to put a heavy financial strain on local ABC groups. So we call for support with finances and information distribution. You can make donations via PayPal to abc-msk@riseup.net or using a bank account (write to the same e-mail address for details).  [Updated: 27/06/14]

Read Aleksandr’s latest statement: Aleksandr Kolchenko: I am not a terrorist. I am a citizen of Ukraine [20/11/14]

Dmitry Yevgenevich Buchenkov, Ulica Vyborgskaya d. 20 SIZO «Vodnik», 12130 gorod Moskva, Russia. [correct as of: 08/12/16] NB: Remand prisoners may only receive mail in Russian. Autotranslated mail may pass. Dmitry Buchenkov was arrested in connection with the ‘Bolotnaya case’ against participators a demonstration against election fraud, held on May 6, 2012 in Moscow, but was only detained in December of 2015. He faces the same charges as most of the others arrested in the same case: participation to riot and using a non-lethal violence against representative of the state power. The only evidence against him are photographs of someone in black clothes, who the prosecution maintain is Dmitry even though he was in Nizhni Novgorod at the time.

Alexey Vladimirovich Sutuga, 1986 g.r, Pervyj promyshlennyj massiv, kvartal 9, stroenie 10/1, IK-14, Angarsk Irkutskaya oblast, Venäjä, 665809, Russia. [correct as of: 08/12/16] Alexey ‘Sokrat’ Sutuga is a member of Autonomous Action and has been active in the anarchist movement in the past ten years, including the ecological protest camp against uranium enrichment in city of Angarsk in Siberia, which was assaulted by nationalists in the early morning hours. Ilya Borodaenko from Nahodka of Pacific Ocean was murdered there, and a number of other visitors of the camp were seriously wounded. He was arrested in April 2012 and remaned in prison accused along with Alexey Olesinov and Alyon Volikov of having taken part in an incident in the Moscow club “Vozdukh”, where on December 17, 2011, during a punk-hardcore concert, a conflict between the audience and the security took place. The club security, consisted of supporters of the far right, and were provoking guests. Due to the conflict, the concert was stopped prematurely, but the security attempted to take some guests hostage, threatening them with punishment from their friends – nationalist football hooligans. Concert guests resisted, the security opened fire with rubber coated metal bullets, but soon the concert-goers gained the upper hand and the security was neutralised and sent to the hospital. The case against them was eventually dropped in January 2014 on the eve of the Sochi Winter Olympics as part of the amnesty bill, approved as a PR stunt on initiative of Vladimir Putin.

However Alexey is now back in prison, having been arrested on April 5, 2014, for a fight with ultra rightist and placed under investigation. At the trial on September 30, 2014, hewas sentenced by Zamoskvoretskiy Court in Moscow to three years and one month in prison for his alleged involvement in a fight. A day earlier, the prosecutor had asked for it four years and two months in prison. [Updated: 02/10/14]

Ilya Eduardovich Romanov, [Romanov Ilya Eduardovich], 1967 g.r., 431130, Respublika Mordoviya, Zubovo-Polyanskii rajon, poselok Leplei, FKU IK-22, Russia. (letters only in Russian and do not contain statements about the political activities of anarchists) [correct as of: 08/12/16] 46-year-old anarchist Ilya Romanov was wounded in Nizhnii Novgorod following the blast of a pyrotechnic device (a firecracker) which severely injured his left hand and burned his face. Ilya was taken to hospital where doctors amputated his arm. He was arrested and charges under Article 205 through Article 30 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation (“attempt a terrorist attack”) despite a total lack of any evidence to support the terrorist angle.

Update: Ilya was recently 14 days in a hole. Prison administration has said that their superiors have ordered that everyone sentenced for ‘terrorist’ crimes must be put on a special pressure. Ilya is not beaten up by guards, but there is a constant pressure in form of administrative punishments. Moscow ABC has hired a lawyer from a local village to help Ilya with this, as this was the cheapest alternative. [15/05/16]

See also: wiki.avtonom.org for up-to-date listings of prisoners in the ex-Soviet Union.


Straight Edge Madrid
Five comrades from a vegan and anarchist group from Madrid, Spain, called Straight Edge Madrid were arrested on November 4, 2015 in their families’ houses. One of them was not in the country but the police were looking for him too. On Friday four of them were freed but had to pay €3.000, 4.000 and 10.000 in bail fees respectively, the other two were imprisoned without bail. They are accused of being part of a terrorist organisation and the police has taken away personal belongings such as hoodies, books and their computers. This is another move by a repressive state using excessive police force distracting from real political issues to sway the voters for the coming election.
The group they were part of (which has been forced to dissolve by police pressure) was anarchist, anti-speciesism and anti-drugs, they were organised and did a lot of activities to heighten people’s awareness of the state and its forms of repression. Nahuel and Borja are known to our Spanish comrades and they need our help. They are in separate prisons with FIES 3 regime which effectively means they have restricted communication and they are completely cut off from the outside.

Borja Marquerie Echave, Centro Penitenciario Madrid II, Crta. Meco, 5, C.P 28805, Alcalá de Henares, Spain. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
José Manuel Bustamante Vergara, Centro penitenciario Madrid V., Carretera M-609, km.3,5., C.P 28791, Soto del real Madrid, Spain. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Support Campaign Bank Account details:
0049 6396 51 2790012974 Santander
(Recordamos no poner nada en concepto).

Operation Pandora
On Tuesday, December 16, at 5am, hundreds of cops broke into several houses, social centers, and ateneos in Barcelona, and also an apartment in Madrid. It was part of Operation Pandora, an anti-terrorist initiative carried out by the the highest level of the Spanish court system. Several houses were searched and eleven anarchist comrades were arrested. They did not know what charges they were accused of when they were arrested, just given a vague “anarchist terrorism” charge.

On Thursday, December 18, seven of them went to prison and the other four were released under surveillance. All of them are now accused of the participating in the GAC (Coordinated Anarchist Groups), a group of people who held some meetings and edited some books. Earlier in November, 2013, five people were arrested and two are still in prison. They are also accused of the participating in the GAC and also committing some direct actions against churches. [21/12/14] [source]
For more info: What’s Behind Operation Pandora?

UPDATE: The 7 comrades arrested on December 16, 2014 as part of Operation Pandora who were released on conditional bail on January 30, 2015.

Following the opening of the investigative file, it is now known that they are facing charges such as membership in GAC (Coordinated Anarchist Groups), attacks against banks, posting parcel bombs (one to the Archbishop of Pamplona, one to a member of the fascist congregation Legionaries of Christ, and others to Italian companies), while “they are linked”—always according to the police—with the explosive attacks against the Cathedral of Almudena in Madrid (February 7, 2013) and the Basilica of the Pillar in Zaragoza (October 2, 2013), the latter having led to the indictment and pretrial detention of our comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar.

The police statement ends with a victorious “according to the investigators, the structure of the GAC/FAI-FRI is disrupted in Catalonia, the stronghold of this criminal organisation with terrorist purposes against the Spanish State”. What these servants of Power do not recognise (and never will) is that they sought to generate fear to all other comrades with this operation, which not only failed, but we can say without a doubt has generated the opposite effect. [source]

Enrique Costoya Allegue – location currently unknown as mail to his previous CP Madrid V Soto del Real address has been returned. [Updated: 29/03/16] On the morning of October 28, 2015, seven anarchist comrades were arrested in Barcelona and a further two in Manresa. Eight houses and social centers in the neighborhoods of Sant Andreu, Clot, Gràcia, and Sants were raided, including the Ateneu Llibertàri de Sants and La Revoltosa in Clot. As per usual, units from the Information Brigade stole materials, including electronic equipment, money, and propaganda.
This operation is a continuation of the repressive attack known as the Pandora Case, which was carried out in December of 2014 with the arrest of eleven comrades who are currently awaiting trial, and is related to Operation Piñata and Operation Columna, carried out by the Policia Nacional to repress comrades by claiming that they were members an organisation named GAC (Anarchist Coordinated Groups), which the State considers to be of terrorist nature. Eight of those arrested were released on bail but Enrique Costoya Allegue remains in custody. [Updated: 03/11/15]

Madrid Five. Operación Piñata
On March 31st , during the second part of Operación Pandora, under the guise of Operación Piñata, there were many arrests in various Spanish cities: 9 in Madrid, 3 in Barcelona and 2 in Palencia. 14 others were arrested for resistance to authority. They were all released, except five who were accused of terrorism, sabotage and the placing incendiary devices as part of the Coordinated Anarchist Groups (GAC). They were put in preventive custody for two months, dispersed and then the Madrid Five, Paul Jara Zevallos, Javier Grijalbo Adán, Javier Garcia Castro, Jorge Linares Izquierdo and Enrique Balaguer Perez were released during the first week of June after being charged. [18/06/15]

Barcelona Five
On May 15, 2013 a major crackdown was launched by the Mossos D’Squadra [Catalan police] which was directed from the National Audience Court in Madrid [high prosecution panel], in which five anarchists were arrested in various parts of Catalonia for alleged membership of the Bandera Negra group (un grupo ‘especialmente activo’). This is seen as a media-orientated coup to coincide with the second anniversary of the 15-M popular protests, a media lynching, where these libertarians still remain in pretrial custody.

The five comrades are currently dispersed in 5 different regional prisons under the FIES3 penitentiary regime. They are no longer in isolation, but the state continues with the other FIES restrictions they apply You can send letters to all of them at the following addresses listed below. Note that the communications are being monitored so we propose maximum prudence in the contents of the letters themselves. Details of the case and solidarity initiatives can be found on the support blog to the five of Barcelona.

Remember the account number solidarity for prisoners and their families:
Bankia account number (Spain): 2038 9252 63 3000365109

Mail for Silvia Muñoz Layunta, Juan José Garrido Marcos, Yolanda Fernández Fernández, Xabier González Solar and Jose Carlos Recio Minguez has recently been returned marked either ‘unknown’ or ‘released’ but we have no other current information on their status. We will amend when we have further news. [Updated: 11/06/15]

Basilica del Pillar Case
On November 13, 2013, the National Police raided the house of four anarchists in Barcelona, arresting the four comrades and another in the vicinity of her home the same morning. The five have been accused of having placed a device that exploded at the Basilica del Pillar in Zaragoza (Spain) on October 2. Arrested under the Anti-Terrorism Act against a backdrop of a media feeding frenzy, the 3 arrested Italian comrade Valeria Giamoni, Gerardo Damián Formoso and Rocío Yune, were released upon bail after remaining incommunicado for 5 days; their passports were retained and must appear in court on a periodic basis. The two Spanish comrades, Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar, were however remanded in “provisional custody” (i.e. pre-trial custody or remand) – charged with Illicit Terrorist Association, the placeing of Explosive Artefacts (specifically at the Church of Zaragoza) and Conspiracy to Commit Terrorist Acts (alleged plans to attack the Monastery of Montserrat in Barcelona) – by the National Court, for an unspecified period whilst the “investigations” take place.

UPDATE [21/04/14]: Both compañeros remain in preventive detention and have passed through a number of different prisons [current addresses below]. They remain in FIES 3, with eight 5-minute calls per week, restriction of correspondence (only 2 letters per week) and we know they still have no limit on how many letters they can receive, one weekly visit of 40 minutes and are both dispersed in prisons distant from their friends and compañeras, the so-called ‘dispersion’ as the way of punishing political prisoners or rebels, seeking to exhaust the strength of those who go visit them.

Mónica Andrea Caballero Sepúlveda
Francisco Javier Solar Domínguez, C.P. Villabona-Asturias, Finca Tabladiello s/n, 33422 Villabona-Llanera, (Asturias), Spain. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

NB: The Claudicar Nunca Rendirse Jamas blog covers all the latest news around the Basilica del Pillar Case and other current acts of state repression in Italy.

The Cordoba Four
The Malaga court of appeal sentenced the anarchists Giovani Barcia, Michele Pontolillo and Claudio Lavaza, already sentenced to 11 years on September 1999, for an incident in the Italian vice-consulate in December 1996. Three persons wearing balaclavas imprisoned the consul and an employee, sending a message of solidarity to the Italian prisoners jailed by the Judge Marini (the judge who built a false accusation against Italian anarchists) and disappeared with passports and some money. These three Italians were convicted of this, as well as a previous bank robbery with sentences of 49 years for Claudio, 48 years for Giorgio and Giovani, 3 years for Michele. Write to them:

Claudio Lavazza has been transferred to France, where he will stand trial for an attack on a Bank of France branch. His new address will appear here shortly. [Correct as of: 29/10/16]

Giorgio Rodriguez
Disappeared when out of prison on three days release Summer 2009.

Giovanni Barcia C.P.El Acebuche, Ctra. Cueva de los Úbeda, km 2,5, 04071.- El Acebuche, Almería, Spain. [Correct as of: 21/03/16]


Joel Almgren, KVA Tidaholm, Skogholmsvägen, 522 85 Tidaholm, Sweden. [Correct as of: 28/11/16]
Joel is a Swedish anti-fascist currently on remand for defending an anti-racist demonstration in Kärrtorp, near Stockholm, from a vicious attack by the neo-Nazi group Swedish National Resistance. During the fight, a number of the attackers were seriously injured and Joel is facing possible charges associated with these injuries.
Due for release in 2017.  Update: Joel was sentenced to 5.5 years on appeal and has been transferred to a new prison. [Updated: 10/08/14]

Olle Smedberg, Kva Beateberg, Kasettvägen 1, 142 66 Trångsund, Sweden. [Correct as of: 28/11/16]
Olle is one of a number of Swedish antifascists currently serving prison sentences for taking part in antifascist demonstrations.


Marco Camenisch, c/o Kasama, Military Street 87 / A, CH-8004 Zurich, Switzerland. [Correct as of: 04/12/16]

Marco is a Swiss anarchist and environmental activist who has been in prison since 1991. He is serving a 18 year sentence: 10 years for using explosives to destroy electricity pylons leading from nuclear power stations and 8 years for the murder of a Swiss Border Guard whilst on the run. In 2002 Marco completed a 12-year sentence in Italy for destroying electricity pylons in Italy as part of a sabotage campaign against the nuclear industry.

Denied parole on a number of ocassions in recent years, prompting him to engage in a series of ‘non-cooperation with the prison regime’ protests, such as refusing to provide urine samples for drugs testing, he was due another review in May 2015. The basis of this was a forensic psychiatric department “risk-oriented sanctions enforcement” assessment report that recommends his political distancing or rather political renunciation of his “crime-promoting ideology” as a requirement for conditional release. Therefore, Marco must renounce his many and international comrades, friends and acquaintances of many years, and with the help and under control of the executive authorities, build a “delinquency-free” environment, so that an “enforcement plan with a realistic relief perspective” would be considered.

Thus Marco was again denied parole despite having served two-thirds of his sentence. So it was good news to hear that he was transferred to Switzerland’s only open prison on November 17, 2015. Hopefully his release will come sooner rather than later.

UPDATE: Marco is currently undergoing a period of supervised release and employment (about which he will not be making any public statements about this. However, he can still be contacted at the address above. [source]


Osman Evcan, Silivri 9 Nolu Kapalı Cezaevi, C-4-26, Kampüs PTT Şubesi, Silivri-Istanbul, Turkey. [Correct as of: 08/12/16] [source]

Osman Evcan is an anarchist prisoner who spent his last 23 years in prison. In 1992 he was sentenced to 30 years in prison on charges of being a member of a leftist terrorist group and robbery. He was also imprisoned for 9 years between 1980-89. Osman adopted anarchist ideas in 2003, and has also become a vegan and supports animal liberation struggles. Osman Evcan has been imprisoned in many different prisons all over the country during his conviction, fighting against authoritarian violence and especially the violence and oppression which is a systemic part of the prison’s hierarchical structure, and has continued his fight against prison’s oppressive mentality, without giving an inch, through a number of hunger strikes.

His first hunger strike in 2011, which lasted 42 days, was for vegan food to be available in prison. During that protest, anarchists and animal liberationists from all over the world, as well as in Turkey, supported Osman’s fight to access vegan food in prison. After 42 days on hunger strike the government gave in and made regulations for the vegan and vegetarian prisoners: “Vegan or vegetarian prisoners demands will be accepted as long as its limited by subsistence allowance.”

After this victory, Osman continued the anarchist struggle from within the prison system. He has supported the LGBT, Animal Liberation, women rights and anti-imperialist struggles outside prison and has carried out 3-day hunger strikes to protest the animal massacre during each ‘feast of sacrifice’ every year. He has also written articles in support of a wide range of struggles and continues his political fight as much as he can from prison.


[All US federal prisoners’ addresses can also be located at: www.bop.gov/inmateloc/]

Eric King #27090-045, FCI Englewood, 9595 West Quincy Avenue, Littleton, CO 80123, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Eric G. King, a 28-year-old vegan anarchist, was arrested and charged with an attempted firebombing of a government official’s office in Kansas City, MO in September 2014. Eric is being charged with throwing a hammer through a window of the building, followed by two lit Molotov cocktails.

On March 3, 2016, he accepted a non-cooperating plea agreement to one count of using “explosive materials to commit arson of property used in or affecting interstate commerce”. Then almost three months later on June 28, at the federal courthouse in Kansas City, Missouri. Eric King was sentenced to ten years, the statutory minimum and maximum for the charge he plead guilty to. His release date is June 2, 2023.

More information at:

You can also help Eric towards the costs of phone calls with friends and supporters to prevent him from being isolated, the costs of books and shipping to help him pass the time inside (much of which has been in solitary confinement), and commissary to help him purchase toiletry items and vegan food, as well as helping people to come support him by pack the courtroom for Eric’s trial, by donating to Eric’s Fundrazr account.

Black Scare’/Occupy Conspiracy Prisoners

In the wake of ‘Green Scare’, the FBI have taken to widening their targeting strategy and have the Occupy Movement and anarchists in general in their sights. Using the standard COINTELPRO tactics of infiltration and the use of agent provocateurs, the FBI have set up a number of people in fabricated terrorism charges.

Cleveland 4
Five Occupy Cleveland activists – Doug Wright, Connor Stevens, Brandon Baxter, Joshua ‘Skelly’ Stafford and Tony Hayne – were arrested and jointly charged with conspiracy, attempted use of an explosive device to destroy property in interstate commerce, and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction to destroy property in interstate commerce. This relates to an alleged ‘plot’ to blow up an Ohio bridge on May Day to protest corporate rule. Much of the State’s case is based on the actions and testimony of a paid informant or ‘confidential human source’ who did everything he could to push the five towards considering bombing the bridge and on an undercover FBI agent who was going to build the bomb for them.

Anthony Hayne has since cut a deal with the US government and, in return for a reduced sentence, will testify against his co-defendant As a result he has been removed from all prisoner support list.

Connor Stevens, #57978-060, FCI Manchester, PO Box 4000, Manchester, Kentucky 40962, USA.
Brandon Baxter, #57972-060, FCI Terre Haute, PO Box 33, Terre Haute, Indiana 47808, USA.
Joshua Stafford, #57976-060, USP Tucson, PO Box 24550,Tucson, Arizona 85734, USA.
Douglas L. Wright, #57973-060, FCI Edgefield, PO Box 725, Edgefield, South Carolina 29824, USA.
[All addresses Correct as of: 23/11/16]

Or write to the 4: c/o Cleveland 4 Justice, P.O. Box 602117, Cleveland, OH 44102, USA

Jeremy Hammond #18729-424, FCI Manchester; Federal Correctional Institution; P.O. Box 4000; Manchester, KY 40962; USA. [Correct as of: 15/09/16]
Jeremy Hammond was arrested in March 2012 and charged with five felony counts, including three under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA). Each of the CFAA counts carries a 10-year maximum prison sentence, with the total amounting to more than 40 years, for publicising internal emails from the private intelligence firm Stratfor through Wikileaks.
Though he is charged with committing non-violent offences, he has been denied bail. Since his jailing he has been denied access to family (one year) and friends (two years) for minor jailhouse infractions. He has also been placed in solitary confinement on two separate occasions. He has been awaiting a trial date for over a year.
Facing the possibility of a 40 year plus sentence, on May 28 2013 he pleaded guilty to one count of violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.
Jeremy was sentenced on November 15 to 10 years in prison, the term that the prosecution had demanded. He has since been transferred to FCI Manchester. [Updated: 18/01/14]

Green Scare

In a widespread coordinated FBI sweep called ‘Operation Backfire’ in early 2006, a number of people have been imprisoned for acts of ELF and ALF (Earth Liberation Front and Animal Liberation Front) property destruction and sabotage, implicated by informers and other defendants. One of the defendants, Bill Rodgers from Arizona, was found dead in his cell while on remand in an apparent suicide. The term Green Scare refers to the federal government’s expanding prosecution efforts against animal liberation and ecological activists, drawing parallels to the “Red Scares” of the 1910’s and 1950s.

Rebecca Rubin has been released from prison and is currently in a halfway house. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Justin Solondz #98291-011, FCI Oakdale I, P.O. Box 5000, Oakdale, LA 71463, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
After being extradited from China and convicted of Earth Liberation Front actions in the USA, Green Scare target Justin Solondz has been transferred to a prison much closer to his parents in western Pennsylvania. Justin is serving seven years having admitted his part in the 2006 University of Washington firebombing. Justin’s anticipated release date is 23/09/2017.

Marius Jacob Mason, #04672-061, FMC Carswell, Federal Medical Center, P.O. Box 27137, Fort Worth, TX 76127, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
Sentenced to 21 years and 10 months for involvement in ELF arsons, against a University building carrying out Genetically Modified crop tests and other ELF actions, Marius has received the longest sentence of any of the Green Scare defendants.
UPDATE: We would like to let everyone know that Marius Jacob Mason will no longer be using the name Marie, and will be using male pronouns. We hope that you will all join us in supporting Marius through this transition, which will no doubt be extra challenging within the prison system. Until his name is legally changed, any mail sent to Marius in prison will still need to be addressed to ‘Marie Mason’ on the envelope. This goes for donations also. Please write to Marius at this time! Receiving supportive and friendly mail makes a world of difference. [source] [20/07/14]

Eric Wildcat Hall #BL-5355, Unit H/A, SCI Forest, PO Box 945, Marienville, PA 16237, USA. [Updated: 15/05/14]
Serving 35-75 years for helping ship arms to Central American indigenous activists.
Eric’s Between The Bars profile.

Brian McCarvill #11037967, Snake River Correctional Institution (SRCI), 777 Stanton Blvd, Ontario, OR 97914, USA. [Correct as of: 15/09/16]
Brian is serving an absurd 30+ year sentence related to a custody battle and a violent altercation with the Child Services Department. He’s a dedicated prisoner rights activist.

David Gilbert #83A6158, Wende Correctional Facility, 3040 Wende Road, Alden, New York 14004-1187, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
After about 5 years of organising in the above ground movement during the sixties, David joined the revolutionary underground, spending a total of 10 years living clandestinely, actively resisting imperialism with arms as part of the Weather Underground group. On October 20, 1981, he and other comrades were captured at Nyack, NY during an attempted expropriation by a unit of the Black Liberation Army working with white revolutionaries (known as the Revolutionary Armed Task Force- RATF). During the expropriation attempt, 3 officers were killed. Charged and convicted of felony murder, David is serving a 75 year (minimum) to life sentence.

Leonard Peltier # 89637-132 USP Coleman I, PO Box 1033, Coleman, Fl 33521, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
Leonard was an American Indian Movement (AIM) activist framed by a COINTELPRO operation for the murder of two FBI agents in 1975 and is serving two consecutive life sentences. He’s gravely ill at the moment and has recently been denied access to a life-saving Hepatitis C treatment [September 2016].
His support group can be contacted: LPDC, PO Box 583, Lawrence, KS 66044, USA.
email: lpdcomite@aol.com

John Graham, #04321, South Dakota State Penitentiary, Box 5911, Sioux Falls, SD 57117-5911, USA. [Correct as of: Nov. 2015]
John was an American Indian Movement (AIM) activist and was arrested in Vancouver in December 2003, and extradited to South Dakota in December 2007. The allegations against John are of murdering fellow AIM member Anna Mae Pictou in 1975. John Graham denies he killed Anna Mae.

Byron Shane “Oso Blanco” Chubbuck  #07909-051, USP Lewisburg, PO Box 1000, Lewisburg, Pennsylvania 17837, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
An Indigenous rights activist serving 80 years for bank robbery, aggravated assault on the FBI, escape and firearms charges. A confidential informant reported that Oso was robbing banks in order to acquire funds to support the Zapatista rebellion in Chiapas, Mexico throughout 1998-99.
[Address envelope to Byron Chubbuck]

Sean Swain  #243-205, Warren Correctional Institution, P.O. Box 120, 5787 State Route 63, Lebanon, Ohio 45036, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
An anarchist/indigenous prisoner and former union organiser fighting his conviction by citing the US government’s illegal occupation of native land, also by running for governor of Ohio from prison as a Zapatista candidate in 2010.
He has been held without a legal conviction or sentence since 1991 for the self-defence killing of a court official’s relative who broke into Sean’s home and threatened his life. In 2011, the Ohio Adult Parole Authority gave Sean a continuance of 5 years without notifying his counsel of a full-board hearing as required by statute. None of the State’s laws apply in Sean Swain’s case. His next parole eligibility date is in 2016 but there is no reason to believe the State will have any greater regard for justice or truth than it does now, so Sean has stated that he will not attend that hearing.
Check out Sean’s regular posts on his website.

Russell Maroon Shoats  #AF-3855, SCI Graterford, PO Box 244, Graterford, PA 19426, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
Maroon is a 68-year old political prisoner, community activist, founding member of the Black Unity Council, former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army. He has spent the last twenty-one years in solitary confinement within the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (DOC). During this time he has not violated prison rules, and has not been issued any misconducts in more than two decades. Despite his impeccable record, prison authorities continue to hold him in 23-24 hour lockdown at the State Correctional Institution (SCI) Greene based on acts that occurred more than thirty years ago.
For more background info see his Denver ABC page.

Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280, Sullivan Correctional Facility, 325 Riverside Drive, P.O. Box 116, Fallsberg, NY 12733-0116, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Seth Hayes is a member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, he was framed and convicted of murdering a NYC police officer in 1973. He was charged with seven counts of attempted murder and one count of murder in the first degree. He has repeatedly been denied parole, not based on his record in prison but because of his political beliefs and work with the Black Panther Party. You can find more about Seth here.

MOVE was a mainly black revolutionary group with an ecological perspective who were consistently persecuted by Philadelphia police during the 70’s. This culminated in the police firebombing of their commune in 1985 in which 11 people, including five children, were killed, either shot trying to flee the burning building or who died in the conflagration. The ‘Move 9’ were framed for the alleged murder of a cop shot in 1978, after hundreds of police surrounded their house & flooded it with water & gunfire. The officer was shot to the back of the head. He was facing the house at the time, which would therefore negate the notion that MOVE was responsible for his death. The ‘9’ were found guilty and sentenced to up to 100 years each.
The 9th defendant, Merle Africa died in prison in 1998 under suspicious circumstances.

For more info about their case:
or contact: Friends of Move, PO Box 14129, London WC12 8GR, UK.

William Philips Africa
Phil Africa sadly passes away on January 10, 2015, in SCI Dallas under mysterious circumstances. For more information see: onamove.com/phil-africa-dies-suspiciously/

Debbie Simms Africa #006307,
Janet Holloway Africa #006308,
Janine Phillips Africa #006309,
SCI Cambridge Springs, 451 Fullerton Ave, Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-1238, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Michael Davis Africa AM4973,
SCI Grateford, PO Box 244, Grateford, PA 19426-0244, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Edward Goodman Africa AM4974,
SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Road, Frackville, PA 17931, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Delbert Orr Africa AM4985,

Charles Sims Africa AM4975,
SCI Dallas, Follies Road, Drawer K, Dallas, PA18612, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]

Mumia Abu-Jamal AM8335, SCI Mahanoy, 301 Morea Road, Frackville, PA 17932, USA. [Correct as of: 15/11/16]
Mumia is an ex-Black Panther, radical journalist and MOVE supporter who was framed for the murder of a cop in 1981. The death sentence for Mumia has been overturned, but his defence team has 180 days, to put together an appeal against his sentence being commuted to life. For more info contact International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, PO Box 19709, Philadelphia, PA 19143, USA.

UPDATE: Since the Supreme Court rejected a request from the Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office to overturn the most recent federal appeals court decision declaring Mumia’s death sentence unconstitutional, he has been moved out of Administrative Custody and transferred to Disciplinary Custody at SCI Mahanoy. [16/12/11]
And since moved to the general population. [Updated 31/01/13] For the latest on Mumia’s on-going health problems, see our News page.


Toronto G8/G20 defendants

All known Toronto G8/G20 prisoners have been released after serving their sentences.

More info from:


As a result of the ongoing protests involving students and others, as well as the long running struggles of the Mapuche people the political prisoner situation in Chile is particularly dynamic, with numerous activists currently under arrest awaiting trial.

We recommend checking out the following sites for up to date information:

Tamara Sol Farias Vergara, Torre 1, Centro Detención Preventiva San Miguel, Santiago, Chile. [correct as of: 01/02/15]

Charged on January 21, 2014, with the shooting of a security guard BancoEstado in revenge for the death of the anarchist comrade Sebastian Overluij. She wass stopped when entering a nearbye station a with the loaded revolver. Sol is the niece of the Vergara brothers, killed by the dictatorship and granddaughter of Luisa and Manuel, who have held a memorial every March 29th, the day that their children were murdered.

On February 4, 2015, the court in Santiago issued its judgment against Tamara Sol. The court acknowledged the mitigating factor of her previous irreproachable conduct, but denied that Tamara Sol substantially collaborated in clarifying the facts, considering that neither her statement given to the prosecution at the stage of the investigation with which she admitted to the facts, nor her consent to the realisation of several expert reports contributed anything, since the evidence was already available to the authorities from the moment of her arrest. In addition, the defense’s proposed mitigating circumstance of diminished capacity, based on expert testimonies by psychologists, was dismissed.

In fact, the presiding judge adopted the prosecution’s argument that spoke of a premeditated action, alleging that this has been demonstrated by the cry “revenge for Sebastián” attributed to Tamara Sol at the time of opening fire on the guard, and emphasising the fact she chose not to make any declaration during the trial. Thus, while the defense sought recognition of two mitigating circumstances in order to request a sentence of 3 to 5 years and the application of the alternative sentence of release under intensive supervision instead of actual imprisonment, this objective was not reached.

In particular, Tamara Sol Farías Vergara was convicted of aggravated attempted homicide and sentenced to 7 years in prison, perpetual absolute disqualification from holding any public duty and office and from practicing political rights, and absolute disqualification from maintaining or obtaining any professional license for the duration of the prison sentence. She was also convicted of theft regarding the gun of the security guard and sentenced to 61 days in prison and a fine of almost 215,000 Chilean pesos (300 euros) and ordered to pay the court costs.

Marcelo Villarroel Sepúlveda
Freddy Fuentevilla Saa
Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Modulo H Norte, 1902 Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile. [Correct as of: 30/3/14]
Juan Aliste Vega
Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Modulo J, 1902 Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile. [Correct as of: 30/3/14]

Marcelo Villarroel , Freddy Fuentevilla and Juan Aliste Vega were arrested in 2009 after a long international manhunt, accused of the robbery of a Santander Bank and the murder of a cop in October 2007. They have been imprisoned for over 3 years awaiting trial and have had it regularly postponed. However, a new date has been set for Tuesday, March 25. [Updated: 15/02/14]

On July 2, 2014, the 3 comrades were sentenced in their absence, having refused to assist in the judicial show, and gave their disposition by video link. The sentences were:
Juan Aliste: 18 years for the homicide of Moyano + 10 years for attempted homicide on the cop Abarca + 14 years for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security = 42 years in prison
Freddy Fuentevilla: 5 years for accessory to the Moyano homicide + 3 years for accessory to attempted homicide of Abarca + 7 years for the Banco Security robbery = 15 years in prison
Marcelo Villarroel: 14 years in prison for the assault on Santander Bank in Valparaiso and Banco Security. [Updated: 07/07/14]


Sebastián Fajardo, Cárcel Concesionada Santiago Uno, Módulo 34, Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile.
Eduardo Garay, Cárcel Concesionada Santiago Uno, Módulo 35, Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile.

Sebastián, aka ‘El Chasca’, and Eduardo, aka ‘El Mecha’, were arrested during the January 4, 2012 march through downtown Santiago to commemorate the four years since the death of Matthias Catrileo. Both are charged with the burring of a bus and are awaiting trial. [Updated: 30/3/14]

Iván Silva, Cárcel Concesionada Santiago Uno, Módulo 35, Avenida Pedro Montt, Santiago, Chile.
Carla Verdugo, Cárcel de San Miguel – Sección Femenina, Torre 5, segundo piso, Centro de Detencion Preventiva Santiago Sur, Avenida Pedro Montt 1902, Santiago, Chile.

Iván and Carla were arrested on April 16, 2013, in the comuna de la Granja and charged under the anti-terrorism law for attempted bombing following the alleged finding of materials for the manufacture of an explosive device. Carla is also the partner of Juan Aliste Vega who is currently in the UEAS accused of a bank robbery in 2007. [Updated: 30/3/14]

Hans Niemeyer Salinas, Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Módulo J,
Avenida Pedro Montt 1902-A, Santiago, Chile. [Correct as of: 30/3/14]

Hans Niemeyer was arrested on November 30, 2011 near a BCI Bank after an explosive attack. Held in preventive prison under the Anti-terrorist Law, he was charged for another 3 attacks. After a year in prison, Hans was granted house arrest and went underground on December 7, 2012 after his legal process was effectively sabotaged by the state. On April 26, 2013, he was arrested by the Investigative Police (PDI). Hans was sentenced in July 2013 to 5 years in prison, and since then has carried out multiple hunger strikes, the latest in solidarity with Monica Caballero, Francisco Solar, Sebastian Oversluij, and Matias Catrileo.
[See also: Requiem for the Passing Moon]

Esteban Huiniguir, Unidad Especial de Alta Seguridad, Cárcel de Alta Seguridad, Modulo J, Avenida Pedro Montt 1902-A, Santiago, Chile.

A former member of the MJL (Lautaro Youth Movement – NDT), Esteban was arrested on March 29, 2008, and falsely convicted for growing marijuana (3 years and 1 day in prison) and limited dealing (541 days in jail), following a raid on his home and arrest other people in the house for possession of Molotov cocktails.

Anarchist prisoner José Miguel Sánchez Jiménez was released from prison after spending 20 years in captivity on February 27, 2014. [17/03/14]

Juan Tapia Olivares, Cárcel Santiago Sur (Ex-penitenciaria), Modulo D, Avenida Pedro Montt 1902, Santiago, Chile.

An ex-member of the Lautaro Youth Movement, he was arrested on October 24, 2010 in connection with the March 26, 1993 case where the human rights activist Norma Vergara Cáceres was killed by agents of DIPOLCAR (Directorate of Police Intelligence) whilst attending a meeting at a restaurant in downtown Santiago. Tried in 2006 without being present and without the right to a defence, he was sentenced to 14 years.

Alberto Olivares Fuenzalida, Cárcel Santiago Sur (Ex-penitenciaria), Modulo A, Avenida Pedro Montt 1902, Santiago, Chile.

Nico is an ex-member of FPMR (Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodriguez) and political prisoner from the 1990s, and a member of the ’22 de Enero’ (22 January) libertarian animal rights group. Currently under arrest for various expropriations, he has participated in various prison hunger strikes and protests, as well as writing and maintaining the anti-prisons struggle everywhere.


Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano
On September 20, after 1 year and 9 months in custody, 20-year-old high school student Luis Fernando Sotelo Zambrano was sentenced to 33 years and 5 months in prison and fined $ 52,000 for the crimes of attack against the public highway, attacks on public peace and criminal damage, in connection with an arson attack on a Metrobus depot. This is the latest in the long line of heavily repressive sentences handed donw for relatively minor acts of civil disobedience and protest in Mexico and his compañeros have denounced the excesses in injustices of the Mexican criminal justice system, with fellow prisoners beginning an indefinite hunger strike on September 28. [Updated: 01/10/16]
We wil update with Luis Fernando’s address when we have it.

Fernando Barcenas Castillois an 18-year-old anarchist, student of the College of Sciences and Humanities on the Vallejo campus who also works in a furniture factory. He was arrested on December 13, 2013 accused of burning a Christmas tree company Coca-Cola in Mexico City in the first demonstration against the 67% in fares on the Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro (Metro Public Transport System). Accused of attacks on public peace and criminal association linked to the setting fire of an xmas tree outsde the Coca-Cola offices, he was arrested some distance away from the event. The only evidence against him was a heavily edited video, which fails to identify him directly, and after a year in custody he has been sentenced to 5 years 9 months jail time.
Letters can be sent to Fernando via cnario [at] riseup.net

Salvador Martinez López, Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte, Estancia de ingreso Zona 3, Estancia 12, Jaime Nuno 155, Gustavo A. Madero, Zona Escolar, 07230 Ciudad de Mexico, D.F., Mexico. [Updated: 31/03/14]

Seiya is a young anti-fascist with 2 children who was arrested on October 2, 2013 during a confrontation with the police. Police searched his home and took away a number of items, including what they claim is marijuana. He is currently awaiting trial on unspecified charges.

Libertad-para-Seiya-Skin Facebook page

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